Mother's Day Specials 2018 - Beautiful Mother To Son Quotes about Sweet Relationship with Him

Mother's Day Specials 2018 - Beautiful Mother To Son Quotes about Sweet Relationship with Him
Mother's Day Specials 2018 - Beautiful Mother To Son Quotes about Sweet Relationship with Him

A son is a love that lasts a lifetime.

My son is my heart and everything.

If my son is happy, Then I am happy.
You are my sonshine. I Love You SON.

Son, you outgrew my lap, but never my heart.

Sons are blessings. especially mine! I Love My SON.

Mothers of little boys work. From son up until son down.

There is nothing stronger than the love between a Mom & her Son.

All of my life’s troubles simple disappear when I see my son smile.

So there’s this boy…he kind of stole my heart…he calls me “mom”.

You’ve been a blessing from the start. I love you son with all my heart.

My number one goal is to love, support and be there for my son. ~ Farrah Fawcett

Son… all the ups and downs in my life were written off and forgotten, on the day you were born.

Sometimes when I need a miracle, I look into my son’s eyes, and realize I’ve already created one.

I’ve tried and failed at many things in life but I will never stop giving 100% being the best mom for my son.

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