110+ Awesome Happy Anniversary Quotes and Wishes 2017

Amazing List of 110+ Best Anniversary Quotes by fblikeshayaris.com!

Amazing List of 110+ Best Anniversary Quotes by fblikeshayaris.com!

1. “I won’t love you for the rest of your life, but I will love you for the rest of my life.”
2. “The only wish that I have in my life is that I would go back in time and meet you sooner.”
3. “The path that we choose in life doesn’t matter half as much as the people beside us during the journey.”
4. “The best thing that has ever been mine will always be you.”
5. “We may not be perfect but our marriage shows that perfection can be forged by never giving up on each other.”
6. “We’re two imperfect people that refuse to give up on each other.”
7. “Respect and communication are what allow us to have a long, loving relationship.”
8. “I am yours and you are mine that is what makes every day worth living.”
9. “We forgive each other’s weaknesses and learn to lean on each other’s strengths.”
10. “I thank you for listening. I thank you for loving. I thank you for being mine.”
11. “Happy anniversary! There is no better (man or woman) that I would rather have by my side.”
12. “We can say “I love you” in a moment, but we need a lifetime to fully understand it.”
13. “You’re still amazing to me after all of this time. I wish you a happy anniversary my love.”
14. “Today is the anniversary of the first day I was ever truly happy; the first day I truly found love.”
15. “I want to spend a million tomorrows with you. A million hugs. A million kisses. A million anniversaries.”
16. “Today is the day we share the beauty of a relationship that has budded into the world’s most beautiful flower.”
17. “Our love is an enduring blessing that has lasted the test of time and will forever be etched in the cosmos.”
18. “Nothing and no one has ever been as loving or lovely as you have been to me.”
19. “The promises that we made to each other are strengthened and grow stronger with each anniversary that passes.”
20. “We may have changed. We may be a little old. We may be a little slower. But, our love is like a freight train that picks up steam as each year passes.”
21. “Anyone can get into a relationship, but it takes that special someone to stay in a relationship.”
22. “Spending my life with you sounds like the best idea I have ever had.”
23. “The two smartest words that have ever come out of my mouth were “I do.” These are the words that have allowed me to live a life of happiness and love.”
24. “The longer we spend denying the love we have for each other, the longer we spend missing out on the best days of our lives.”
25. “Everything is perfect today. Yesterday, you were mine. Today you will be mine. Tomorrow you will be my forever.”
26. “When I think of forever, I think of how I would spend it by your side.”
27. “Forever is one of the scariest words in our language, but when forever is spent with you, it is one of the world’s most beautiful words.”
28. “No one thinks about forever until they meet someone like you and never want to be apart even in death.”
29. “A year has passed and I am still as amazed and happy when I look into your eyes and know that you’re mine.”
30. “Just as the sun will always rise and the seasons will always change, I will love you forever.”
31. “I thought that over time, my love for you would fade and we would drift apart. I was wrong. Time has made our love a pillar of strength and love.”
32. “Our anniversary is a day to reflect on the love and happiness that has filled our lives for the past year.”
33. “I like to count my years in anniversaries; each year with you is a year worth living.”
34. “I keep hoping that there is something longer than forever so that I can spend every second of it with you.”
35. “Laughter is what makes us smile when all of the other people don’t realize that we’re the only ones that truly know the meaning of love.”
36. “We have a past that is beautiful. A present that seems like a dream and a future that is written in the stars.”
37. “They say that marriage is a fairy tale but for me, marriage is a dream come true as long as it’s with you.”
38. “Trust and love are what act like glue and work to keep our marriage together getting stronger by the day. Happy anniversary.”
39. “Love is a word that is so complex that it has a way of explaining the unexplainable way that I feel for you.”
40. “Every dawn is my anniversary; a day that I wake up next to the person that I want to be with until my dying breath.”

41. “Eternal love is what occurs when we spend day after day, year after year accepting our faults and learning to love each other a little more.”
42. “An anniversary is a reminder of the day I found the love of my life.”
43. “What is love when you can’t picture spending day after day with a person?”
44. “My tomorrows will be the envy of every man that has never loved because I will be with you.”
45. “On our anniversary, I want to tell you that a love like ours requires us falling in love with each other time and time again.”
46. “Our wedding is a celebration that continues to this day and will continue for the rest of our days.”
47. “The years may pass but the love I have for you will never fade.”
48. “It takes a moment to love a person but when that person is you, it’s hard not to fall in love with you every day.”
49. “Marriage is permanent. Marriage is ever lasting. Marriage is the world’s hardest, wonderful struggle.”
50. “There is no secret to a love like ours – it’s hard work, but it’s worth every second of it.”

51. “Happy anniversary. You fell in love with a crazy man and I fell for an angel.”
52. “Today is a little brighter; a little more perfect because of you.”
53. “We have a love where every anniversary is one that I want to live over and over again with you.”
54. “You are a beautiful couple that has been lucky to find true happiness and love within each other’s arms.”
55. “There are no words to express the comfort and confidence of loving someone year after year and being reminded of that love on your anniversary.”
56. “An anniversary is a day to celebrate the love of yesterday while eagerly awaiting the love you will share together tomorrow.”
57. “There comes a time when we have to reflect on the life we have lived this past year – our anniversary.”
58. “The only anniversary that I want to share is one with you – my one true love.”
59. “Have you noticed that the real love stories never have an ending? That is what our love is like.”

60. “There would be no point in having an anniversary if it wasn’t with you.”
61. “The sun has risen to shine light on us today on our glorious anniversary.”
62. “We always want more in life, but the only thing I want more of is days spent by your side.”
63. “As a man, there are times in our lives when we must reflect on our past. Thankfully, my life started when I met you – so it is perfect.”
64. “How do you explain perfect until you spend a day with you?”
65. “I love you more than words can say on our very special day.”
66. “Every day with you is an anniversary of happiness for me.”
67. “The flowers I send you are not enough. The love I give you isn’t enough. Nothing I do will ever show you just how happy you make my life.”
68. “May our love and devotion inspire a world of love; a world of happiness; a world of stargazers that will celebrate their anniversary under the stars.”
69. “Happy anniversary! Today we celebrate the past, hoping that there are many more chapters in our love story.”
70. “Rain erodes the rocks like years erode our youth, but nothing in the world is strong enough to make our love fade.”

71. “Time is endless when I am with you. My life is an infinity of happiness because of you.”
72. “Truly, deeply in love is what you have allowed me to experience from one anniversary to the next.”
73. “People have a tendency to celebrate their anniversary once a year, but I celebrate you daily.”
74. “The good and the bad are all the past. Let us remember our love on this anniversary, so we can forge a future with more good and fewer mistakes.”
75. “The trees sway in the wind, bending and bowing at us on our anniversary to let us know that the earth is happy for us.”
76. “May your life be blessed with the love that will last a life time and allow you to find happiness each day of your life.”
77. “Happy anniversary. Who would have thought that two stupid kids would fall in love and spend their life together?”
78. “Integrity and strength allowed us to spend another year together knowing that we’ll be together through thick and thin.”
79. “Sending you blessings and best wishes. May your love endure the greatest hardships and shine through the clouds like a beacon of light.”

80. “I want you today on our anniversary with the same lustful passion that I wanted you with on the day we met.”
82. “There is no person in the world that my heart sings louder to than yours.”
83. “I have come to realize that there is no love for me like the love that you have shown me. Happy anniversary.”
84. “Souls sound like a fairy tale until a person falls in love with you and something unexplainable happens; an attraction so strong your whole being is drawn to another person.”
85. “Love is the gift that you first gave me, but it is now the gift I try giving you every day – especially on our anniversary.”
86. “A year ago, we got married and I knew my life would change, but I never thought it would be as perfect as you made it this past year.”
87. “You make it easy to love. You’re the perfect person to love day after day.”
88. “Happy anniversary to the couple that is the inspiration to the world of lovers unsure of what the future holds.”
89. “Let’s look into the future we have together as we have looked at our anniversary this year.”
90. “Let your love never fade. Let your love never betray. Let your love shine through on your anniversary day.”

91. “Wives and husbands never realize how strong their love is until they have their first anniversary and realize today is really forever.”
92. “Day in and day out, I look at you as my pillar of strength; the person that is worth living for.”
93. “For all the years of your life, may you experience the same happiness that you feel on your anniversary.”
94. “Anniversary. A day of reflection, love, joy, happiness and a couple that is strong enough to beat the odds.”
95. “There is no luck in love; there is a lot of compromise and learning how to deal with the faults of another person.”
96. “We’re the luckiest couple in the whole world; the couple that celebrates their happiness every day.”
97. “A smile on your face is what makes this day so special. Happy anniversary.”
98. “We have had our ups and downs all year, but we did what we always knew we would: go through the year with a smile on our faces and love in our heart.”
99. “I love my marriage. I love the happiness that you give me. I love you.”
100. “I am lucky to have lived with the same loving woman for the past (number of years).”
101. “You deserve everything and anything, but the best that I can give you on our anniversary is devotion and love.”
102. “Devotion, love and tequila have allowed us to spend many wonderful years together.”
103. “A lot of good love can happen in (number of years).”
104. “Never make a promise you can’t keep. Only make the promise to love me for another year.”
105. “Here we are, still laughing and smiling, knowing that this anniversary is one of many.”
106. “What would I be without you? Before I met you, I was sad and unhappy, but now, I look forward to each day you wake up in my arms.”
107. “Love is not a weakness. It is a way to judge what is truly important in life: you.”
108. “It could be worse. We could spend a lifetime with someone that hasn’t turned our life upside down with a whirlwind of emotions.”
109. “There are no words to express how much your love means to me. Our anniversary serves as a reminder as to how lucky I am to have you in my life.”
110. “Our love will last longer than the stars; longer than the sun will shine.”

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